Resolving Fee Disagreements

Are you having a disagreement with your lawyer over your bill?

The State Bar of Texas can provide information to help you resolve your dispute.

Follow these steps:

Talk to Your Lawyer First

It is very important that you try to discuss your concerns about your bill directly with your lawyer.

Sometimes all it takes is an honest and open conversation with your lawyer to resolve a question about your bill. Our research indicates that many problems start out as a simple miscommunication. Don't let this happen between you and your lawyer.

If you feel intimidated by your lawyer, take a friend or family member along for confidence. And take notes before you meet with your lawyer. Taking notes helps everyone stay focused on the issues.

Talk it out. It's definitely worth the try.

Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP)

If your lawyer refuses to talk to you about your fee dispute, call our Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP) at: (800) 932-1900. CAAP can offer strategies to assist you, and does much, much more! Read about it here: Client-Attorney Assistance Program

How to File a Grievance

The State Bar of Texas attorney grievance process cannot intervene or resolve general disputes over the amount of fees charged for legal services. However, if you believe that the fee charged is unjust and not supported by a fee agreement and/or work performed, you can get your instructions, the steps, and what to expect when you file a grievance here.

Local Help in Your Area

If it is determined that your lawyer has not broken any rules and that the disagreement is strictly a problem you are having with the amount of your bill – you will be notified of this and be provided information for a dispute resolution service in your area, if available.

Generally, the fee dispute process is entirely voluntary – your lawyer must agree to participate in the discussion.

Please check the list below for the nearest bar association to you and give them a call for your next steps.

Local Bar Associations That Handle Fee Disputes

Corpus Christi Bar Association