Prep for the Exam

Prep smarter, not harder, with official questions and practice exams that set you up for success on test day!

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The GMAT exam can open a world of academic opportunities and career paths.

With only three test sections, you can prep efficiently and effectively in pursuit of your goals.

Put Your Prep in Focus

Here are our steps to starting your prep journey with your best foot forward.

    Study the structure. Use the study plan in our free GMAT™ Official Starter Kit to become familiar with the exam format and structure. The study plan will guide you through each question type and give you sample questions. This will boost your confidence come test day when you know what to expect.

Detailed Performance Insights

The GMAT exam includes detailed performance insights in your Official Score Report. But that’s not all! You can benefit from the same (and more!) detailed insights after taking any GMAT™ Official Practice Exam.

On both the Official Score Report and Practice Exam score report, in addition to your total and section scores and percentile rankings, you’ll get insights by section, question type, and content domain (meaning, a specific area of knowledge, and details on your time management. Plus, you'll get the following insights only from GMAT™ Practice Exams:

And only on the real Official Score Report will you see your performance by program and school, which shows your Total Score percentile ranking compared to the percentile rankings of test takers who sent their GMAT scores to the same program within the past 5 years (this chart will only display if you send your Official Score Report to one or more programs).

You can learn more about all of these sections at Official Score Report, or take a Practice Exam and see for yourself!